This can build up to the max level specified in the building definition itself. Uniquely, it's possible to still construct buildings that aren't yet unlocked via technologies by using an effect or with the starting buildings in the state's history file. For instance, if the building was already unlocked to level 2 from a technology researched beforehand, researching a technology with level = 5 will result in it being possible to construct up to 5 of the building in the state/province rather than 7. In particular, the level will not unlock this many levels of the building, but unlock the building to be built up to that level. However, the formatting in this case is different: the building is specified with building = my_building and the level with level = 3. I have formed 24 different formable countries using the Formable Nations mod in HOI4 These nations priced at /9 Destiny 2 Vorpx The next expansions for. This also includes information about the folder itself: the position of the folder, any additional elements such as the background and textboxes that show the start dates of technologies usually present in the top or explain information about technologies.Įach technology is located within /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technologies/*.txt files, within the technologies =. Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrytechtreeview.gui, /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrytechtreeview.gfx, and /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrydoctrinetreeview.gui in particular define the appearance of technology/doctrine folders as well as the items within them: the position of each branch, the distances in pixels used for them, which icons exactly get used as the technology background. Similarly to technologies, the GUI file is very interconnected with the doctrine definitions. Featuring three starting scenarios in 1910, 19 respectively, the mod lets you control both the European powers at the center of the conflict but also take part in events like the Mexican or. The graphical user interface file where the technology tree is defined, which is also incredibly important to know how to edit for new technologies, is /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrytechtreeview.gui, requiring edits for each new technology folder or branch within the folder.ĭoctrines are also defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technologies/*.txt and their folders and categories also in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_tags/*.txt, however, the graphical interface file used is /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrydoctrinetreeview.gui. As its name suggests, The Great War is a mod that moves Hearts of Iron IV's action back a few decades to when World War I began. Technologies themselves are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technologies/*.txt files, while their categories and folders are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_tags/*.txt files.